All interested trainees should email Jennifer Kavran a copy of their CV and a letter outlining their scientific interests and long term plans, what they hope to achieve in the Kavran lab, and what they bring to our group. Further position specific information is below.

Post-doctoral Fellows

Positions are available.

Graduate Students

We accept rotation students from the following training programs at JHU: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB), Program in Molecular Biophysics (PMB)Chemistry-Biology Interface (CBI), Biochemistry Cellular and Molecular Biology (BCMB).

Master's Students

Academic positions (i.e. for research credit) are available for Masters students currently enrolled at JHU.

Undergraduate Students

Academic positions (i.e. for research credit) are available for undergraduate students currently enrolled at JHU. 


There are a multiple ways to join our lab including, but not restricted to, programs offered through JHU including the Summer Internship Program, PREP Post-baccalaureate program, and Biophysics Research for Baltimore Teens among others.